Zigbee thermostats for electric baseboard heaters
Zigbee Thermostat for Electric Baseboard Heaters
Zigbee Line Voltage Thermostat
Sinopé offers you the widest range of thermostats for electric heating.
Baseboard heater - Convector - Fan-forced convector - Radiant ceiling

Zigbee thermostat for electric floor heating
For floor heating systems with heating cable or heating cable mats.
For comforting warmth at every step.
Heating cables - Heating cable mats

Zigbee low voltage thermostat
Compatible with most hydronic heating systems, mechanical relay heating systems and furnaces without fan control.
Absolute comfort and maximum energy savings.
Hydronic floor heating - Hydronic heating system - Electric floor heating activated by a relay

For efficient management of heating and cooling in all your rooms.
Ductless heat pumps and air conditioners with compatible communication port

Here come the savings!
Neviweb's exclusive Éco Sinopé feature lets you take full advantage of your electricity supplier's energy efficiency programs.
Reduce your energy consumption during peak hours and maximize your savings in the comfort of your own home.