Proudly Canadian Company

Over 134 000 Sinopé energy-efficient devices are connected across North America.

Sinopé offers the widest variety of DR-ready smart devices to address the largest loads in the home, including smart thermostats and load controllers.

View of the Éco Sinopé feature in the Neviweb app

Grid flexibility and demand response

Our Éco Sinope feature, available in the Neviweb app, simplifies the customer journey from enrolment to participation in demand response and time-of-use programs. We provide you with the ability to adapt and modify the offered features, customer profiles and timings to meet your specific needs and targets.

We offer a rich API library that can be integrated with your VPP’s DERMS platform for meaningful and relevant data. 

Icône commande sur ordinateur

Your marketplace or mine?

Amp up participation with pre-enrolled devices sold from your utility marketplace and customers visiting our website.

No marketplace? No problem! Let us help engage and apply instant rebates to qualified customers on our website. Additionally, we offer special bundles and accessible products to ensure low-income customers have access to smart devices, making it easier for everyone to benefit from energy-efficient technology.

Icône augmentation

Boost participation with pre-enrolled devices

By pre-enrolling our smart devices, we enable effortless customer participation and greater program success. This proactive approach ensures that devices are seamlessly integrated with energy management initiatives, resulting in more participating devices and a larger load managed through the efficiency program.

Icône intégration verticale

A 100 % vertically integrated company

At Sinopé, every aspect of device development, from hardware architecture to software and firmware coding, is managed internally. We provide enduring, high-quality products while maintaining enhanced adaptability and responsiveness across every stage of the process.

Maximizing home energy efficiency

Our ecosystem of smart Wi-Fi devices has the potential to control over 65%* of home energy use.

Smart thermostats - To control the space heating and air conditioning: 50%

  • HVAC thermostat
  • Electric heating thermostats

Calypso - To control water heating: 17%

  • Calypso smart water heater controller

Custom platform to empower utilities

Our ÉcoFlex platform serves as a valuable tool for utilities and aggregators. Simple yet powerful, ÉcoFlex allows users to easily manage peak events for Sinopé devices and gain access to insightful post event data designed to enhance your energy management capabilities.

Wall-mounted heat pump in a living room and front view of the interfaces

Integrated controls for mini split heat pumps

Optimize ductless heat pump systems with our advanced integrated controls for multi-unit projects: 

  • Interlock heating and cooling to avoid waste 
  • Prioritize heat pump operation based an outdoor temperature 
  • Include heat pumps in DR programs 

Unlock the full potential of ductless heat pumps. Contact us to find out more about compatible models and all our multi-residential energy solutions.

Get in touch with us

Contact us to discover how we can enhance your energy programs. Our team will be pleased to provide more assistance.

Contact us

Our energy partners

Logo Hydro One
Logo BC Hydro
Puget Sound Energy logo
Seattle City Light logo
Nova Scotia Power Logo
Yukon Energy logo
Uplight logo
Hydro-Québec Logo

How about a rebate on your next purchase of thermostats offered by your power utility?