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Bag it up: Microadventures

Ready for adventures with Désirée Larocque, Communications advisor


In this summer column, Sinopé Technologies offers a view in the world of its team where each member cultivates various interests, but a shared passion for smart home technology. With each article, one sees what’s in the bag and the must-haves for each different activity.

This week, we find out how to add microadventures and lots of fun to our days with Désirée Larocque, a communications advisor.


Microadventures - Sinopé


Communications advisor who is also in charge of the human resources at Sinopé Technologies, Désirée fuels on microadventures. This relatively new expression expresses a good old concept: outdoor activities and adventures that can be accomplished in a few hours and therefore, without getting too far from the house.


What do you like about microadventures?

I love the simplicity, accessibility, and happiness that it infuses into our family life. It's so easy to integrate microadventures every day, and it's the perfect formula when you have young children. It allows you to explore, discover, and marvel ... while making sure you come home for bedtime!


According to you, is it a hobby or a lifestyle?

A bit of both! Some microadventures are planned in advance to fill up our weekends, but the ones I love the most are often those that are improvised. At the end of the day, after I’ve picked up my little one at the daycare, I can decide to change my route spontaneously on the way back and go on an adventure. It allows us to unwind and have our daily quota of laughter and family fun, which is very important for me.


Precisely, how do you prepare for microadventures?

To allow spontaneous microadventures, I keep some essential items in the car. The basis is to be comfortable and that the primary needs are met. I make sure I have a good pair of shoes, snacks, and water. Additional items may be added depending on the activity, such as a picnic blanket, a swimsuit and towel, or a hiking baby carrier.


What are your smart home tips?

The scene mode of the Sinopé switches and dimmers allows me to turn off all lights in the house from a single switch. I find it so convenient! With a toddler, you have to be fast and efficient once the shoes are on. With the Sinopé switches, I only have to pick up our bag for the day, double-click on the entrance light and it’s a go!


Microadventures gear - Sinopé


In the bag

  1. Water bottles
    Hydration is essential, especially in summer, when it’s hot. We make sure to drink throughout the activity and fill our bottles as soon as we see a water fountain.

  2. Des collations à profusion
    It's impossible to go on an adventure with an empty stomach! I always have almonds and dried fruits to crunch on and fill up with energy, as well as a homemade granola bar or muffin for Mathilde. I can also bring cheese and a smoothie to eat at the beginning of the activity. All in zero waste containers, as much as possible!

  3. Picnic blanket
    Its practical format allows us to carry it and establish "our camp" everywhere in parks or green spaces. By doing so, we always have our small corner to nibble, sit and rest.

  4. Baby wipes
    Whether to wash hands after a snack or after playing in the dirt, baby wipes are a must with a toddler!

  5. Hiking baby carrier
    We use it for our outdoor hiking microadventures, when the walking challenge is too big for small legs. It is lightweight, easy to handle, and as practical as it is comfortable for the adult and the child.

  6. Neviweb and the Sinopé smart home
    Using the scenes in Neviweb, I linked all the switches in the house to the one at the entrance. I can turn on and off the lights quickly with a simple double-click on the switch of the entry.