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Bag it up : Climbing

Discover new passions with Vincent Beauregard, Web developer


In this summer column, Sinopé Technologies offers a view in the world of its team where each member cultivates various interests, but a shared passion for smart home technology. With each article, one sees what’s in the bag and the must-haves for each different activity.

This week, we discover the new passion of Vincent Beauregard, Web Developer.


Climbing - Sinopé


Vincent Beauregard is curious by nature. As a Web developer at Sinopé Technologies, he works on the team who design all of our apps and management platforms. Vincent enjoys discovering new activities and likes to challenge himself with new passions. Like climbing, a sport he has been practicing for almost two years now.


What type of climber are you?

I particularly like bouldering, which consists of climbing at a safe distance from the ground. It allows me to develop and improve my technique, and to practice anytime, either alone or in a group.


Is there a parallel between your work and your passion?

When I'm about to code, I first have to analyze everything before I start. It's the same when climbing. I evaluate the rock path on the wall before it's a go! 


What do you like about climbing?

Climbing in itself is enjoyable, and it's exciting to be able to challenge yourself with smaller rocks. Moreover, the spirit of fraternity is strong. Climbers advise each other and naturally exchange with newcomers. It was initially friends who introduced me to this sport, but we ended up socializing with many different people at the climbing center.


How do you become a better climber?

Repetition and practice give the experience needed to improve one's technique. Moreover, as climbing uses less stimulated muscles every day, the more you climb, the better you become. Climbing presents an exciting personal challenge: we compare ourselves to ourselves, and it's motivating to do better each time.


Climbing gear - Sinopé


In the bag

  1. Harness, chalk bag and ball, ATC insurer, carabiner, climbing shoes ...
    This is all the equipment required for wall climbing. For bouldering, only the climbing shoes, and the chalk bag and ball are essential. All equipment can be rented directly at the climbing centers, which is convenient for beginners.

  2. Accreditation card
    Each climbing center gives its own accreditation card to climbers. This card must be presented to access the walls of the climbing centers.

  3. Glasses straps
    In my case, the straps are essential to keep my glasses in place.

  4. Plasters
    Sometimes you get scratched or scrape on a climbing wall. The plasters help protect superficial wounds so I can keep climbing.

  5. Cashews
    It's a snack that is easy to carry, nutritious and nourishing. As nuts don,t make any mess or crumbs, I can easily carry them and eat them anywhere.

  6. Newspaper
    This is my best grandma trick to keep shoes dry! After each climbing session, I slip balls of newspaper into my shoes to absorb the moisture.

  7. Smart home x SmartThings
    I control my Sinopé Zigbee light switches with SmartThings which allows me to use voice assistants. Before leaving home, I ask my Google Home Mini to turn off the lights. This way, I don't need to go around the house to turn everything off...


    How about a rebate on your next purchase of thermostats offered by your power utility?