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Bag it up x E-Sports

Master the art of gaming with Halex Romagno, Electronic technician


E-Sports - Onward championship


Electronic technician by day and gamer by night, Halex Romagno has mastered the art of Onward, a first-person shooter game. He and his team have been invited to several international competitions where they have distinguished themselves thanks to their exceptional performances. Geek to the bone, Halex specializes in virtual reality games.


Where does your passion for video games come from?

The arrival of technology and computers in homes has had a significant impact on many lives. I started playing solitaire with Windows95 and, over time, I began playing different video games, especially team games. I like the competitive aspect and being able to measure myself to other people. There is also an aspect of socialization. With the virtual reality that I particularly like, you literally see other players moving through their avatar.


How far have you traveled for championships?

In 2018, I had the chance to participate in three world championships. The first was in England - it's the furthest I went for the game Onward. It was also the first time I met my teammates outside the virtual space. I am the only Canadian on our team that counts four Americans and one German.

The other championships for the same game took place in California and then again in England.


How can the smart home be useful for a video game player?

As I can play Onward for several hours, I find it very convenient to control my Sinopé thermostats with Google Home, through SmartThings. Virtual reality is yet physical! In the heat of the moment, it is more comfortable to lower the temperature by a few degrees. And with my smart thermostats, I don’t need to go out of the virtual world to change the temperature.


What is your training routine?

For Onward, I first go in a virtual shooting range to warm up on moving targets. To improve, you need to invest time and know the mechanics of the game.


Bag it up x E-sports


In the bag

  1. Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet and Oculus Touch controllers
    These are the main accessories for playing virtual reality games, like Onward.
  2. Magtube Aiming stick
    In Onward, since aiming is done using the controllers in each hand, it is essential to have a prop for maximum accuracy and stability. The Magtube has specifically been designed for virtual first-person shooter games.
  3. Oculus water bottle
    I can easily play for several hours at Onward, and as it is rather physical, it’s better to stay hydrated to avoid the headaches caused by thirst.




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