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Thanks to the Éco Sinopé feature available in the Neviweb app, users across North America can link their smart devices to the dynamic pricing of their power utility. Four savings profiles are offered: the cold-sensitive, the balanced, the adventurer and the daredevil. What if the most profitable way to maximize your comfort lies in combining all these profiles? The artist: a profile that reveals itself Éco Sinopé offers four profiles corresponding to the level of adjustment of your smart devices during peak events. After discovering the profiles, users choose in Neviweb the one that best suits their needs. However, the Éco Sinopé feature is completely customizable. You can choose different setpoints for each room and each device, select a different preheat for mornings and evenings and choose, for example, to participate in either morning or evening peak events or both. Customizing the Éco Sinopé feature will reveal a fifth profile: the artist. According to a survey conducted among users of the feature in the winter of 2021-2022, only 28% of people would have opted for the artist profile, which arrived almost equal to the balanced one, with 29% of users. Then followed the adventurer (23%), the daredevil (16%) and the cold-sensitive (2%). However, the artist allows you to have the best of both worlds: maximized savings and comfort adapted to the household’s needs. Éco Sinopé profile in the Neviweb app Why the artist performs better By design, the artist profile allows you to opt for more ambitious setpoints in rooms or at times that matter less in your routine when peak events take place. For example, if the rooms in the basement are not used in the morning (or evening), you have everything to gain by selecting setpoints from the daredevil profile (+ 2℃ preheat and – 10℃ during the event peak). The same goes for the 4,000 watts-fan-forced heater in your garage, which uses a lot of electricity but whose operation can be postponed outside peak periods thanks to a Sinopé thermostat. This same profile also allows you to prioritize heat in rooms where comfort is crucial, such as the dining room, bathroom or living room that would be used throughout the peak event. Thus, in these living areas, one could be tempted by instructions from the cold-sensitive (+/- 1.5℃) or balanced (+/- 2℃) profile. When selecting the setpoints for your devices, keep in mind that your home temperature won’t necessarily drop that low. In sum, you could choose bold setpoints (+2℃/-5℃) in the bedroom, at least during morning peak events, since these rooms will not be used for the event duration. By combining the instructions of the different profiles, you obtain an artist profile that offers a tailor-made experience according to your routine, environment and the rooms’ layout in your home. Dynamic pricing: a profitable program Dynamic pricing programs, such as the one implemented by Hydro-Québec, can be very profitable for their users. To maximize the activation of such a program, you must pick the right moves that will make a real difference in the electricity bill. Quick tip Are you curious to know precisely the energy consumption of some of the appliances in your home? If you already have a Sinopé smart plug, take the test and plug in your appliances. This electrical outlet detects the connected load of the devices plugged into it to generate energy consumption reports so one can see the consumption in dollars and kilowatt hours for up to 24 months. You can see the consumption of the different devices at home. You would be surprised: the devices that consume a lot are not always the ones you think! The conclusion Thanks to the Éco Sinopé feature, compatible smart devices can tie to dynamic pricing programs and automate the commands received from power utilities. The artist profile that is revealed in Éco Sinopé is a simple and effective way to increase savings related to participation in dynamic pricing programs while maintaining the desired level of comfort.

    How about a rebate on your next purchase of thermostats offered by your power utility?